Advantages and Disadvantages of a Touchscreen

Many people really have odd feelings toward the touchscreen technology of mobile devices. One thing that is great about touchscreens is that when it is a touchscreen, it always means wider screen - thus, it makes really perfect viewing for online television streaming. But beyond that, there are other advantages and disadvantages that you may have to agree, especially if you are a non touchscreen fan. So with that, here are the advantages and disadvantages of a touchscreen mobile device.

Let us start with the advantages first.

As I have said, one of the biggest advantages of a touchscreen is the bigger screen. If you are a movie, picture, or TV junkie, then this will help you get your boob tube fix on the go via online television streaming (as I have said above). Another advantage is that at most times it has friendlier interfaces which are more intelligent (no wonder most of them are called smart phones). And it also has lesser buttons - you do not really have to worry much about breaking some buttons in the near future.

However, here are the disadvantages of a touchscreen.

Although it has a big screen, it's not that hard that at times you will press the wrong button. Apart from that, it also means that the battery life of a touchscreen device will not really last that long compared to those non-touchscreen devices. It is also difficult to read on a touchscreen when you are exposed to direct sunlight.